Sunday, November 14, 2010

This Week's Weakness

This is a post I am going to try to do every Sunday. I got this inspiration from a friend of mine, Kendra. On her blog,, she does something called "Wordless Wednesdays." I love it! All she does is add some of her favorite pictures; she does't even add a post descrption. I am going to do my own spin on this idea. Every Sunday (I hope) I will post one picture of my 'weakness' for the week. They will most likely consist of a delicious new food I tried, or sometimes it might be an article of clothing I am really liking, a beer that is fantastic, or just something I really love. I will provide a short description under the picture to inform you of what it is. I know that technically the new week begins on Sunday, but to me it's the end of the week, so this weakness is something I enjoyed the days prior to Sunday. Make sense? I also have the idea of doing a 'This Month's Wekness' and will provide a picture of something I have been obsessing over the entire month.  I already know what I am going to do this month, but you will just have to wait and see! I hope you enjoy what I have posted for today.

Pomegranate Tootise Pop. Enough said!

1 comment:

  1. YUMM!!! Ryan and I ate a pomegranate this weekend... it was delicious!
